Monday, January 10, 2011

Back to life as ... usual?!

Okay, okay!  I admit 4 months goes by incredibly fast and that blogging once a week was much harder than I originally anticipated.  I hope you don't feel too short changed that I only shared 3 pitiful posts during my time in NYC.  But in my defense, I was terribly busy!  Much busier than I thought I would be and quite frankly, much busier than I wanted to be.  You may be asking yourself the following question: "Crystal, now that you're home will you still blog?"  (And if you didn't ask yourself that question then shame on you)!  But seriously, my blogging days are far from over.  On the contrary, I have more to say then ever.  After all, hind sight IS 20/20! 

I'm back home in Texas where the stars at night are big in bright clap clap clap clap!  And I have a lot emotions about this:  I'm glad to be back with my mom, my church family and all of my friends.  I'm even excited to return to work (although for the life of me I can't figure out why).  But at the same time I know I'll miss the life I started living in NYC.  I'll miss the faces of the young people I was able to minister to and I'll miss the progress I made with some of their parents.  I'll miss the excitement of the city lights and $2.25 subway rides.  But most of all I know I'll miss making an impact on lives everyday.

WAIT - hold on 1 second!!!!  Aren't I still a Christian and don't I still live in a city?  It's so funny (not haha funny but shake your head in disgust funny) that we Christians think that we have to pack our bags and sell our stuff to serve God and make a difference in this world.  Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for the people that do it but I don't have to be one.  And I don't have to return to my life of mediocrity just because I'm no longer in NYC.  So instead of making lots of resolutions that I won't bother to keep past Valentines Day, this new year is starting with the promise that God isn't done with me yet.

I'm excited for 2011 .... how about you.  More post to come so stay tuned!